After a period of 6 months teaching and performing at Reed College in Portland Oregon, USA, as part of the Schusterman Foundation artist in residency program, Iris Is back home in Israel and is going to perform her recent solo work”Local/Not easy“. This work that was performed in a different language and context, got a very vivid and intense perspective about the way the local space is represented through the personal body. Going back home geographically, phyhsically and linguistically, Iris will go back to researching the way language , space and locallity is influencing the individual and how its all manifested in our own bodies in a way that questions our free will.
The work will lbe presented in 2 different places:
1. On July 27th Iris is invited to present her work in The Acco Theater Center . Iris is happy to come back to perform in this great center, keeping through it a long andongoing dialougue with the Local audience(A new date for this performance: 17/8/2017)
2. On July 29th Iris will present her solo at the Suzanne Dellal Center as part of Macholohet Festival. Iris is happy to host in this evening the new durational solo work “Fragile Formation” of Sharona Floresheim performed by Nitzan Lederman , at the lobby of Suzzanne Dellal Center, 30 minutes before opening the hall.